Stream Spray Paint Clean Blood, Regular Acid (Stereogum Premiere)
On their upcoming album Clean Blood, Regular Acid, Spray Paint churn out what they lovingly call “scum rock.” Based on recent singles like “Threesomes Can Wait” and “Cussin,” it’s clear they can write good grungy rock songs with a great sense of humor, and all that shines through on the album, too. We’re streaming that album for you to hear today, but we’ve got something kind of special to go with it: The band has provided a track-by-track commentary for the album, written by guitarist Cory Plump, which you should definitely read along with while you listen. Check it all out below.
01. “Wet Beer”
The effect of changing pronouns in lyrics has always been interesting to us. “I have to rinse my face off” becomes “She’s got to rinse my face off.”
02. “Do Less Things”
A diss song of sorts. First bag reference in this song. Also first baseball reference.
03. “Texas Talking Powder”
In February 2014 we spent a day in a small studio and recorded a handful of songs we thought Ben Wallers might want to put vocals on. This was one of those tracks. He declined. So we “sang.”
04. “Rest Versus Rust”
I think Chris sort of stole this beat from Alex Leonard (Protomartyr). This is probably my favorite track on this album.
05. “Threesomes Can Wait”
I am positive I stole the first line from Joe Casey (Protomartyr). When we were on tour together he said this or something like that? Intro we always referred to as the Bauhaus part. First Dumpster reference.
06. “Rednecks Everywhere”
We had never played this song like this until we hit record. I knew I loved George’s chorus part, but my verse part was weak. I just made something else up I think.
07. “Nice Hustle”
Another one we made up in the studio a couple minutes before we recorded it. Some of these lyrics I know I mined from a favorite spot (Infowars comment section). Sick guitar solo by George.
08. “Foam Depot”
I’ve had a couple people ask me if this is about a gangbang.
09. “Everyone Bleach Their Hair”
If my memory serves me I believe we started jamming on the drumbeat of Sonic Youth’s “Shaking Hell” and ended up with this.
10. “Live From Camp Mabey”
We all live at Camp Mabey one way or another.
11. “Dead Cell Gathering”
Monofonus Press put out a zine by William Z. Saunders called Developmentally Radical Experimental + Adaptive Maintenance. I saw him do a reading of it and it blew me away. I asked if I could use some of the words from the zine on a song. I had never attempted anything like that.
12. “Cory’s Theme”
We listen to a lot of dub.
Clean Blood, Regular Acid is out 9/23 via Monofonus Press.