More Things Liam Gallagher Thinks Are Shit: Cars, Buildings, The Sea, Modern Rock Bands, Harry Styles’ Debut Single, And His “Stalker” Brother Chatting Up Bradley Fuckin’ Cooper

Liam Gallagher’s first-ever solo album is coming out in a couple months, which means the legendary curmudgeon is making the press rounds, which means that he’ll be spouting off ridiculous shit in interviews for the foreseeable future. Recently, he called James Corden a “knobhead” and referred to A$AP Rocky as “WhatsApp Ricky,” and today in an interview with Noisey, Gallagher runs through a long, long, long litany of dislikes.
Among them this time: cars and buildings and seats on trains (“They look like they took fuckin’ 20 minutes to make, like they came straight out of a Kinder Egg. Even the buildings. Everything!”), the sea (“Fuck the sea. I ain’t going in that. Fuck that, mate. That ain’t meant for us. That’s meant for the sharks, and the jellyfish, tadpoles and stuff.”), modern rock bands (“There’s too many so-called rock’n’roll bands in England getting away with fuckin’ murder. They should be ashamed of the shit the put out. They need fuckin’ shooting.”), and Harry Styles’ debut single (“He’s been in this big band and all that but that’s still a fuckin’ bubble you’re in. He’s not had much of a fuckin’ life, has he? I thought, ‘Chill out, you cunt.'”). He actually came around on that last one a little bit, conceding that “I’d rather him do the fuckin’ rock’n’roll thing now than him fuckin’ being a rap star, you know what I mean?”
He also, of course, had some choice words saved for his dear old potato brother Noel. When told that he was trying to talk with Brad Pitt backstage at Glastonbury, Liam had this to say:
Oh fuckin’ hell. He’s like a fuckin’ stalker him, man. “Quick! Grab me a famous person!” Fuckin’ cringe, man. Bradley fuckin’ Cooper and shit like that? Fuckin’ sit down, mate. Working class traitor. Go on.
He also insists that Noel is not a real U2 head:
For a geezer who bangs on about how his favorite band is U2? I was in a band with that kid for 20 fuckin’ years. And in those 20 years we had a party every fuckin’ night after pretty much every gig and we had tunes on. I never heard him play one fuckin’ U2 song. And believe you me, I was there at the beginning and the fuckin’ end. He’s full of fuckin’ shit, mate. I’m just here to fuckin’ shine a light on the fuckin’ fakes, man. And he’s one of them.
Additionally, he doesn’t fuck with Jay-Z’s new album 4:44:
Is that a concept album? I’m not interested in that. You can just imagine, can’t you? Someone’s been sat there in a big fuckin’ office and gone, “That’s how we’re gonna do it.” Nah.
That should be left to your fuckin’ psychiatric fuckin’ chair, innit? Sum it all up in one song. The whole fuckin’ record? I’m not having that.
Read the full interview here.