White House Responds To Jay-Z’s “Open Letter”

Jay Carney

White House Responds To Jay-Z’s “Open Letter”

Jay Carney

This is turning into a weird, weird news day. Earlier today, Jay-Z released a new one-off song called “Open Letter,” part of which was about his recent trip to Cuba and a couple of Congress members’ inquiries into it. Jay sprinked in a few lines about Obama, who, according to Jay, said that they should go chill on a beach together and that he shouldn’t worry about it. Within hours, someone actually asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney about the exchange, and Carney claimed that this conversation did not, in fact, take place: “It’s a song.” If you want to see some truly mundane frustration in action, watch the short video below.

(via Nah Right)

It’s true: Nothing much rhymes with “treasury.”

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