Universal Shuts Down Smiths/Peanuts Mashup Tumblr

Universal Shuts Down Smiths/Peanuts Mashup Tumblr

UPDATE: Via True To You:

Morrissey would like to stress that he has not been consulted over any takedown request to remove the Tumblr blog named ‘This Charming Charlie’. Morrissey is represented by Warner-Chappell Publishing, and not Universal Music Publishing, (who have allegedly demanded that the lyrics be removed). Morrissey is delighted and flattered by the Peanuts comic strip with its use of Morrissey-Smiths lyrics, and he hopes that the strips remain.


While surfing the internet many had the delight of coming across a website by the name of This Charming Charlie. The website had a simple idea behind it that worked perfectly — take Smiths lyrics and put them over Peanuts comics. It was awesome, and now it looks like it might not be around much longer. The website announced yesterday that Universal Music Publishing (who owns the rights to the Smiths’ publishing) has now had six of the comics taken down, and even though it’s still up and running it’s looking likely that these are the last of days for This Charming Charlie. Check out the site here, and let’s all pray that they don’t get rid of the OTHER great Smiths mashup comic, Morrissey Gets A Job.

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