Watch “Lee Ranaldo Wants To Teach You Guitar”

Watch “Lee Ranaldo Wants To Teach You Guitar”

Throughout his three decades with Sonic Youth and as a solo act, Lee Ranaldo has discovered countless ways to wring noise out of his guitar. Fortunately for aspiring avant guitarists in major metro areas, Ranaldo is the sharing type. In October, he hosted a guitar clinic at New York record store Other Music; a second clinic will follow 12/11 at Amoeba Records in San Francisco. The bits captured in a new five-minute video suggest the New York stop was an eye-opening exchange of ideas replete with mallets, effects pedals, voicemail samples, and a Stratocaster hanging from a noose. Ranaldo shows off some of his favorite techniques and answers questions about gear after transforming a solo rendition of his recent “Lecce, Leaving” from a straightforward rocker into a harrowing noise excursion. As he explains near the end, “This was meant to be more of a demonstration than a lesson — a realm of possibilities with the guitar.” If so, Ranaldo seems to have achieved his objective. Watch below.

(via Rolling Stone)

Lee Ranaldo And The Dust’s The Last Night On Earth is out now via Matador.

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