Watch The White House’s GBV Stan Jay Carney Introduce Them In D.C.
On Friday night, Guided By Voices stan and White House press secretary Jay Carney introduced the band at a sold-out show in Washington, D.C. Carney has gone on record about his love for the band in the past, most notably in a Washington Post story where he gushes non-stop: “I just think Pollard is brilliant and funny and has a level of creativity in abundance that is just astonishing. It’s all essential listening if you can keep up with his production,” he says. “I used to until I had this job.” He even has a signed copy of Bee Thousand hanging up in his office, so it must have been a dream come true to be able to introduce them. Look at some Instagrams of his intro below.
And one with his son, Hugo, who joined him for the show: