Watch Jack White Talk “Seven Nation Army” And Cell Phones, Perform Lazaretto Songs On Conan
I’ve been lucky enough to see Jack White and Conan O’Brien in the same room together (I was basically an extra in this video), and the dynamic between those two is an awesome thing to witness. They really are friends, but there’s a big brother/little brother thing going on, too, where White is antsy and eager to impress. He could not, for instance, wait to tell Conan that the White Stripes were going to be on The Simpsons. And anytime White has anything new coming out, he’s a sure bet to show up on Conan’s show and share some unforced banter. Last night, White appeared on the show to play “Temporary Ground” and “Alone In My Room,” two of the songs from his new Lazaretto. They’re the more old-timey country-leaning songs, and the show filmed them through some weird partial black-and-white filter. White also did an interview, talking about the prevalence of “Seven Nation Army” at sporting events and his dislike of camera phones at concerts. (Conan, like Fallon, fawned over the Lazaretto vinyl edition; this must be the sort of thing his management works out with talk-show hosts ahead of time.) The interview is Conan at his relaxed best, and you can watch that, as well as the performances, below.