Watch Sky Ferreira Perform And Endure An Awkward Interview On Brazilian TV
In her years within the major-label teenpop system, Sky Ferreira probably had to face all sorts of indignities, but I’m not sure anything in her past can compare to her recent appearance on the Brazilian talk show The Noite. The opening question, which host Danilo Gentili asked through a translator, was whether people like her because of her music or “because of the tits.” Both host and translator basically slavered all over her throughout the interview, and she gamely squirmed her way through it. She did, however, get a chance to sing “You’re Not The One” after all that, and you can watch both the interview and the performance below.
(via Pitchfork)
Ferreira’s album Night Time, My Time is out now on Capitol, and it is so good. That translator needs to fall back.