Laetitia Sadier – “Then, I Will Love You Again”
Laetitia Sadier - Something Shines
Former Stereolab chanteuse Laetitia Sadier hasn’t released a new record since her 2012 solo LP, Silencio, but she’s set to deliver a pair of albums in the next few months. First up is her third solo album, titled Something Shines; then, the debut album from her polemical band Little Tornadoes, called We Are Divine, in September (in fairness, Stereolab were a polemical band, too; they just happened to make great lounge music). Based on what I’ve heard of both those albums, Sadier hasn’t strayed too far from the sound of the band that made her famous, which is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. Sadier just released a single from Something Shines, called “Then, I Will Love You Again,” which you can hear now (it had previously been released as an iTunes-only single). Below that I’ve included one of the Little Tornadoes tracks, “Have A Balloon,” which you should also absolutely check out (and check out more of) if you’re a fan.
Something Shines is out in August via Drag City. We Are Divine is out 9/1 via self-release.