Aretha Franklin Has Beef With Johnny Rockets Over Takeout Hamburger Incident
It’s pretty satisfying when we get to write a “Where’s The Beef” article involving actual beef, so here we go. According to an Associated Press report, Aretha Franklin stopped by a Lewiston, New York Johnny Rockets — the faux ’50s franchise that trades in nostalgia for bad hamburgers — and was yelled at by a staffer when she tried to sit down and eat a burger she had ordered to-go after performing at a sold out concert in the area. Franklin issued a statement about the incident because that’s a thing that famous people do when they’re upset and called the worker “very rude, unprofessional and nasty.” A spokesman for the restaurant responded with an apology, saying it was the work of a “new and very young employee” and said that she clarified the restaurant’s policy for takeout burgers with the staff member so this kind of atrocity doesn’t happen again.
[Photo by Roberta Parkin/Getty.]