1,058 Mars One applicants have made the first cut in the television contest to go to Mars and die there. -CBS
Speaking of contests, the person who won the contest to watch Breaking Bad with the stars of Breaking Bad has just been arrested for running a drug operation. C’est la vie. -Wired
Want to guess how many times The Wolf of Wall Street said the F word? (Farts.) (Just kidding, not farts.) It’s 506 times. Did you not have time to guess? Well, tough! Who’s the wolf now! -FilmDrunk
This month on Netflix: Drinking Buddies, which you should watch, American Psycho, and more! Look at the list over at Vulture if you’d like to! -Vulture
Hey, here is a bit of good news: movies that passed the, maddeningly simple yet rarely met, Bechdel Test made more money in 2013 than those that didn’t! -/Film