10 More Life Hacks That You Need To Know For Christmas

10 More Life Hacks That You Need To Know For Christmas

1. Did you forget to get someone a gift? Uh-oh. Well. Huh. I mean, you’re creative, right? What do you do, draw? Just draw them something. Maybe a picture of the both of you. Don’t make it Christmas themed, because you’re giving it to them on Christmas and they won’t be able to display it until next year, but make it winter themed, like you guys standing in snow. Oh, I don’t know, if you don’t have anything to draw with just do it in pencil. Pen is fine, yeah.
2. Huh. I mean, you have cardboard, right? Just cut four pieces of cardboard and glue them together for a frame.
3. Oh. Do you have honey? Just use honey.
4. I guess you’re right that you need something underneath the cardboard and above the drawing to protect it. Do you have saran wrap or anything? If you got take out recently maybe there was some on that. Wrap it around the photo and attach it to the cardboard with the honey from before.
5. Now just wrap it in wrapping paper.

6. Oh, you don’t have wrapping paper? JUST USE AN OLD POTATO CHIP BAG, APPARENTLY.
7. Lick the crumbs off and tie garbage around it.
8. Throw it in your messenger bag.
9. Throw your messenger bag in a mailbox.
10. It’s mail now.


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