Jessica Winter wrote about James Gandolfini for Slate. It’s a nice piece, if you’re inclined. -Slate
At the Los Angeles Film Festival on Saturday night, Spike Jonze shared a few scenes from his upcoming film Her. You can’t watch them, but you can read about them here! Which is better than watching them really, if you think about it! Right?! -/Film
In a world where Jason Kehe and Kate Palmer wrote about how the movie trailer has evolved since the 1940s… It’s this world, and you can read the article! A+. -Wired
I hope you liked World War Z, because Paramount and Brad Pitt are already planning on a World War Z sequel. Will it be called World War Another Z (World War ZZ)?! We can only hope! -THR
Matthew Weiner on the Mad Men season six finale. -Vulture
QVC might drop Paula Deen, too. Why “might”? I don’t know! Also please watch this clip of her talking to the New York Times from last year. AHHHHH! This lady!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did anyone ever let her say anything?!?!? -Dlisted