This Week In GIFs!

This Week In GIFs!

Is everyone ready for some MIAMI HEEEAAAAAAT GIFS?! Aahahhaha. Just kidding. We don’t have any of those because it isn’t really in our purview. Did you laugh out loud or no? If you laughed out loud, please subscribe to my channel. We have jokes like this every week. And seriously, congratulations to the Miami Heat. Now, are you ready for some GIFs from television and movies, mainly?! Great! LET’S GIIIIIFF!

We all saw Man of Steel!

Gabe didn’t think Mad Men was very good!

I didn’t think The Bling Ring was very good!

M. Night Shyamalan didn’t actually write She’s All That!

We updated Poltergeist for a modern audience!

Finally, Heaven got a little more James Gandolfini.

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