Jamie Benning, who previously created fan documentaries for the Star Wars trilogy and Raiders of the Lost Ark, has released his Jaws doc, Inside Jaws. You can watch the whole thing online, and I would recommend it! Not based on personal opinion, because I haven’t watched it yet, and what do I know anyway, but based on what some other people are saying! -JamieBenning
You might remember Troy McClure from all of the things in this supercut. -AVClub
Do you live near a famous world landmark? If so, you could maybe be featured in The IT Crowd special! -GrahamLinehan
Henry Cavill working out shirtless in a commercial for The National Guard. DON’T FAINT! -Dlisted
Sony Pictures has announced release dates for two more Spider-Man films, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and 4. The fourth one comes out in 2018. Five years from now. Where will we be then?! -/Film
The Wolf of Wall Street won’t come out for quite some time, but this Leonardo DiCaprio dancing GIF has already hit its stride. -Uproxx
It looks like Loki won’t be back for Avengers 2. But which actor will do spot-on impressions of other film stars in charming press interviews, then?! -NextMovie