Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, and Courteney Cox reunited on Ellen and made a bunch of lame Friends jokes. Does that mean they’re going to make the movie finally?!? Guys?!?!? -Pajiba
Forbes says the Zach Braff Kickstarter backlash is “misguided and misinformed.” I say why don’t you marry him if you love him so much. -Forbes
Michael Cera has a new short film up on JASH titled “Gregory Go Boom.” I haven’t watched it yet so I can’t speak for its quality, but I DO know that it will fill about 17 minutes of the rest of your time on Earth! -JASH
GQ has created a list of the 100 funniest things on the Internet. Does Videogum come in at number one? Click 2 find out! -GQ
Want to watch the final Man of Steel trailer? Up to you! -FilmDrunk
Steven Soderbergh is selling a bunch of props and photos from his films for charity, INCLUDING the Erin Brockovich clapper. How much money do you have? -/Film