14 Minutes Of Bad Parallel Parking
After the jump, I’ve got some cellphone video shot from an upper-story window of a woman trying to parallel park for 14 minutes. That’s what it is. I just wouldn’t want you to think that you were going to click through and see something else. The boys making the video explain that they didn’t even start taping until it had already been going on for 20 minutes, and one of them had already gone outside and asked if the driver wanted help, which she refused. Now, we could pretend like this is some kind of metaphor for, I don’t even know what anymore, how you just have to keep trying sometimes no matter how long it takes you? Or how this week has been boring? But sometimes, as Sigmund Freud famously said, a 14 minute cellphone video of a woman trying to parallel park is just a 14 minute cellphone video of a woman trying to parallel park. I will say this: at about the 10 minute mark, a neighbor from a DIFFERENT apartment goes down and stands outside the car and helps the woman park, at which point the boys making our video start cheering ‘KEEP GOING! KEEP GOING’ because at the end of the day, they do want her to get in her spot (at which point you also have to wonder, like, where she is going in such a non-hurry?) and it’s kind of nice, because we are all in this together, you know? A rising space parks all cars, so to speak. JK who cares it’s Friday, Friday, gotta park cars on Friday.
See? I told you what it was. (Thanks for the tip, werttrew.)