Tell Us Something We Don’t Know
As I mentioned earlier today, I finally watched the Banshee finale and it was great. Obviously, I recognize that not everyone is a Cinemax subscriber, so the show probably doesn’t have as big of an audience as it might on another network. That doesn’t make it any less fun! You should watch it if/when it comes out on video! The thing is, there’s so much noise about the same handful of shows, movies, etc, that you can miss out on a lot of good stuff. You know what I mean? There’s 900 essays about every single episode of Girls, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone write about Banshee. I just saw somewhere that ABC’s Castle recently filmed its 100th episode and I was like CONGRATULATIONS BUT ALSO WHAT IS CASTLE EVEN?! Should I be watching Castle?! I’m just kidding, fuck Castle, no offense to Castle, but you see what I’m getting at: what else is falling through the cracks? On two separate occasions this weekend, two separate people mentioned a documentary called Kumare that’s now out on Netflix in which a guy pretends to be a shamanistic guru only to discover that this is basically no different from being an actual guru and he develops a legion of followers. We should watch that! I’m going to watch it. (And while this is not a movie or a TV show, there is a trilogy of books by Bruce Wagner about Hollywood and Showbusiness that I am rereading and they are great. Very Brett Easton Ellis-y. Total nightmare stuff.) Anyway, what else though? What is the hidden gem that you have found that not enough people know about? Tell me! I want good stuff! I’m so bored!