This Week In GIFs!
It is so rare that I actually have an GIF-related news to report in the GIFs post, if you can believe that, but today is different! HOLD ONTO YOUR GIF BELTS! This week Google updated their image search to include a function that allows you to search exclusively for animated GIFs. Are you kidding me?! Thanks, Google Image! YOU REALLY DO CARE ABOUT US! Now that we’ve gotten that piece of news out of the way, let’s get onto reliving our week in pop culture! GIFS! GIFS! GIFS! GIFS GIFS GIFS!
We tried to figure out the tagline for the Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters Sequel!
We learned that the Kardashian sisters have a vagina smelling contest!
The new Daddy Warbucks might but almost certainly will not be Justin Timberlake!
Bart Simpson was on trial in front of Mr. Burns!
We learned what it’s like to be married to Daniel Day-Lewis!
We also learned that Ashton Kutcher, supergenius, is plotting something against us!
And, finally, we watched comedy on TV.