It Is Difficult To Decide Which Of These Two Movies Has A Dumber Plot Conceit
There are two movies coming out this fall that have terribly dumb plot conceits. One is a horror movie featuring Katrina Bowden (Cerie on 30 Rock) called The Shortcut, and the other is an action-thriller starring Lawrence Fishbourne ("do you want to take the red pill down the rabbit hole, or do you want your money back?" -- The Matrix) ...
The Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde Apologizes (But Not Really) After Backlash To Her Rules For Concertgoers
Kevin Cronin Says REO Speedwagon Breakup Wasn’t His Idea: “I Just Got Outvoted”
Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Alice In Chains, & Others Reportedly Misused Millions In Taxpayer-Funded COVID-Relief Grants