Lover Boy (2002)
With the exception of the cover of its John Maus-penned title track and the smirk-y bleep-core of “I Don’t Need Enemies,” Lover Boy is mostly forgettable — a sort of parade of serviceable C-sides that passes by pleasantly but you won’t miss even a little. If this feature were an evolutionary chart pictograph, this album would be a single step up from Thrash & Burn, with Thrash & Burn rendered as an amoeba. On the plus side, be glad he reserved most of his best stuff for better albums. But, you know, if you need more reasons to spend time with it, “Blue Straws” plays like an experimental radio serial and “Phoebus Palast” flouts a sick slide whistle. If this was anyone’s first exposure to Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, it would very likely double as their last.