Radiohead Recorded Lots For LP9, Hope To Tour In 2016
UPDATE: Greenwood has clarified on Twitter:
nice mistranslation going on….what I actually said: lots has been recorded, and we’re about to go through it all….to see if it’s any good. And we HOPE to tour next year: no plans confirmed yet. Sorry for the over enthusiastic translator….:/
It seems safe to say that nobody is going to say no to a new Radiohead album whenever the band decides to give us one. Last month, drummer Phil Selway confirmed the band were in the studio working on a new album, although he was vague about its status, saying, “We want to finish a record and that’s where we’re at.” His bandmate Jonny Greenwood is getting ready to drop his solo album Junun on the world. Right now, Greenwood is in Russia, and as the Rabbit In My Headlights Tumblr points out, he had a few things to say about the new album’s status. In an interview with the Russian radio station Silver Rain, Greenwood said something like this: “We have finished recording the new album, but we keep it pereslushivaem and change their views on the recorded material. We hope that soon we will have exactly finish it and start to build plans for a concert tour next year.”
Now: Obviously Greenwood doesn’t talk like that, though it would be hilarious if he did. This stuff has been translated into Russian and then back into English, which means it’s been subjected to the kind of linguistic torture that can rob words of all their meaning. But the basic thrust seems to be this: They’re done recording the album, but they keep listening back and changing their minds and tinkering with it. They want to be done with it soon, and they also want to tour next year. Hey, that’s all good news! Though it would be nice if they’d stop overthinking things! But then again, if they stopped overthinking things, they wouldn’t be Radiohead! Anyway, here’s a picture of Greenwood looking glum at a Russian radio station: