Lily And Horn Horse – “George Jones’ Greatest Hits,” “Dancing In The Tubes,” & “Today”

Lily And Horn Horse – “George Jones’ Greatest Hits,” “Dancing In The Tubes,” & “Today”

Lily Konigsberg is a member of the experimental punk band Palberta and Matt Norman performs as Horn Horse, and together they formed a group called Lily And Horn Horse. The duo will release a collaborative album next month, on the heels of Palberta’s most recent album Bye Bye Berta, by way of Philly’s Ramp Local Records. Lily On Horn Horse is 28-tracks long, and due to its interpretive nature, we’re premiering three of the album’s songs at once so listeners can get a feel for the project. Konigsberg and Norman are both multi-instrumentalists, and their versatility can be heard on “George Jones’ Greatest Hits,” “Dancing In The Tubes,” and my favorite of the trio: “Today.” All three of these tracks recall some of Arthur Russell’s deconstructed pop demos, and on “Today,” Konigsberg and Norman piece together the scaffolding for a pop song that has the melodic potential to be developed into something much, much bigger. Check ‘em out below.

Lily On Horn Horse is out 3/3 via Ramp Local. Pre-order it here.

Lily Konigsberg And Horn Horse
CREDIT: Max Brannigan

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