Pixies Set Off Smoke Alarm At Maine State Theater

Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Pixies Set Off Smoke Alarm At Maine State Theater

Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Pixies performed in Maine last night at Portland’s State Theater, and during their last song of the night (“Into The White,” during the encore) they set off the fire alarms in the venue thanks to the smoke machines they used to close out the show. According to The Portland Press Herald, the doors were opened, the smoke cleared out, and firefighters quickly responded and realized that nothing was on fire. Because it was the end of the show, people were already in the process of leaving and no one seemed terribly fazed by the alarms.

“The alarms went off and they were high pitched, sort of like a guitar, so at first they were hard to make out. Then the band put down their instruments, and we realized those were alarms,” show attendee Jeremy DaRos told the Herald. “So people started filing out, but there was never a sense of panic in the crowd.” Everything turned out fine. Here’s a look at some of the confusion:

I guess the @pixiesofficial went a little nuts with the pyro #thankyouPixies #awesomeshow

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