M83 Reuniting With Nicolas Fromageau For Film Soundtrack

Jason Merritt/Getty Images

M83 Reuniting With Nicolas Fromageau For Film Soundtrack

Jason Merritt/Getty Images

For years now, M83 has been the project of Anthony Gonzalez. But it started out as a duo with Nicolas Fromageau. Gonzalez and Fromageau recorded and released two albums together, 2001’s self-titled debut and 2003’s Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts, before Fromageau left the band. Gonzalez went on to make classics like M83’s Saturdays = Youth, which just turned 10 years old, while Fromageau started a new band called Team Ghost. But now, Gonzalez and Fromageau have reunited to work together for the first time in years.

Gonzalez’s brother is the French director Yann Gonzalez, and M83 has contributed music to his movies in the past. In a post on M83’s official Facebook page yesterday, Gonzalez revealed that he made the soundtrack for his upcoming film Un Couteau Dans Le Coeur, or A Knife In The Heart, and he did it with some help from his old friend Nicolas Fromageau.

“So proud of my brother Yann Gonzalez!” he wrote. His latest film “Un Couteau Dans Le Coeur (Knife+Heart) will be competing at the 71st Film Festival in Cannes next month. The soundtrack by M83 will be out later this year and working again with Nicolas Fromageau on this project reminded me how talented my friend is. See you in Cannes!”

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