Watch Travis Scott Go Nuts To “Baby Shark” In The Club

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Watch Travis Scott Go Nuts To “Baby Shark” In The Club

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

One of the strangest viral crazes of 2019 — and there have already been many — has to do with “Baby Shark,” the earwormy children’s song. The origins of a song like “Baby Shark” are tough to trace — this recent Slate Decoder Ring podcast takes a crack at it — but I was definitely singing this song with kids when I was a summer-camp counselor in the ’90s. Recently, a 2016 Korean “Baby Shark” video blew the fuck up; it now has more than two billion views. And the song has firmly entrenched itself within kids’ culture. It’s the biggest kids song since “Let It Go.” And Travis Scott is on board.

A few weeks ago, Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner threw an absurdly elaborate Instagram-bait birthday party for their daughter Stormi, who was turning one. This party featured an amusement park, a giant inflatable Stormi head, and a live performance of “Baby Shark.” Here, observe:

Now: As parents, when our kids get obsessed with certain songs, we inevitably wander around mumbling those songs to ourselves, even when our kids are not there. (Right now, for reasons related to my six-year-old, John Cena’s theme music is on a permanent loop in my head. Your time is up, my time is now.) Travis Scott is now living out the public A-list rapper version of this. Which is to say: During a club appearance that probably earned him many thousands of dollars, Scott recently danced to “Baby Shark” while VIP-section chuckleheads filmed him on their phones. Here’s what that looks like, via HotNewHipHop:

Here’s where I complain that the current version of “Baby Shark” sucks because these cowards aren’t doing the “went for a swim / saw a shark / lost a leg” bit.

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