Britney Spears Will Address The Court At Her Next Conservatorship Hearing


Britney Spears Will Address The Court At Her Next Conservatorship Hearing


The Britney Spears conservatorship battle has been long and complicated, but the world has rarely heard from Britney herself on the matter. That’s set to change after a judge approved the pop star’s motion today to personally address the court.

Since 2008, Britney’s business interests and personal life have been controlled by a conservatorship headed up by her father, Jamie Spears. Her dad has been sidelined from that role due to health concerns in recent years, which led to the 12-person Bessemer Trust being appointed as co-conservator in 2020. Through her lawyers, Britney has expressed her opposition to Jamie continuing in the role and has attempted to have him removed as conservator, but all such efforts have failed so far. Most recently, in February — just days after the release of a documentary about the conservatorship and the fan-led #FreeBritney movement — the court ruled to maintain Jamie’s role.

As Reuters reports, Britney has been approved to address the court on June 23. “My client (Britney Spears) has requested a hearing at which she can address the court directly,” the singer’s lawyer Samuel Ingham told the court today. “My client has asked that it be done on an expedited basis.” The lawyers did not reveal what Britney plans to speak about.

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