Stream DARE’s Hard, Passionate Debut Album Against All Odds

Stream DARE’s Hard, Passionate Debut Album Against All Odds

The Orange County band DARE play a fast, pummeling, passionate form of old-school hardcore. Their riffs have a sense of surf-punk catchiness, but they aren’t into the nasal whininess that so many of us tend to associate with Orange County punk. Instead, DARE are into gang chants and throat-ripping bellows. They’re a straight-edge band, and they’re the type of straight-edge band who will scream about being straight-edge, motherfucker, mid-song. They rule.

DARE have been around since 2017, and they released a self-titled EP in 2018. Today, they’ve come out with their debut album Against All Odds, which has nothing to do with Phil Collins. It’s a hard, immediate, deeply unpretentious record that blasts through 11 songs in 20 minutes. We’ve already posted the early singles “Different Method” and “Hard To Cope,” the latter of which features Terror’s Scott Vogel. Right now, you can hear the whole thing below.

Against All Odds is out now on Revelation Records.

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