Britney Spears’ Father Suspended From Her Conservatorship

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Britney Spears’ Father Suspended From Her Conservatorship

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Britney Spears’ father has been suspended from her conservatorship, The New York Times reports. In a hearing today, Judge Brenda Penny granted a petition from Britney’s new lawyer Mathew S. Rosengart to remove James “Jamie” Spears from his position, naming California accountant John Zabel as the temporary conservator of the singer’s finances. “The current situation is not tenable,” Judge Penny said.

Jamie Spears filed to end the conservatorship altogether earlier this month. During the hearing, his lawyer pushed to end it immediately instead of suspending the elder Spears, but Britney’s lawyer asked the judge to wait until an investigation into Jamie’s management of the estate and conduct as conservator can be launched. Her team requested a termination hearing be set 30 to 45 days from now.

The conservatorship was established in 2008 following Britney’ public breakdown; this will be the first time in 13 years that her estate will not be controlled by her father. Her lawyer filed to remove Jamie after Britney’s impassioned court statement in June. “My dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship … they should be in jail,” she said. “I truly believe this conservatorship is abusive.”

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