This Week’s Callin Me Maybe: Patrick Stickles & Ryley Walker Review 2021

This Week’s Callin Me Maybe: Patrick Stickles & Ryley Walker Review 2021

Our interactive talk show Callin Me Maybe returns again this week. In case you’ve missed it, so far we’ve taken a look back at 2021’s best albums, interviewed Sylvan Esso, and then dug into all our most anticipated albums for 2022. As the year draws to a close, we have some remaining business at hand: asking Patrick Stickles and Ryley Walker to review 2021.

As you might recall from recent videos or interviews in past years, we love to make musicians answer questions about what they were listening to, what they were watching — or, more importantly, what they think of all the year’s dumb news and trends. Beyond being the mastermind of Titus Andronicus and a shape-shifting guitar wizard, respectively, Stickles and Walker are both often hilarious interview subjects who, as it happens, also used to be roommates. Who knows where this conversation may go, but tune in here at 4:30PM ET to find out.

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