Kristine Leschper – “Picture Window”

Jon Weary

Kristine Leschper – “Picture Window”

Jon Weary

Over the last couple months of 2021, Mothers’ Kristine Leschper announced she’d begin releasing music under her own name, and started rolling out her solo debut The Opening, Or Closing Of A Door. So far we’ve heard a couple songs from it, including “Figure And I” and “Ribbon.” Today, she’s back with another one.

The latest preview of The Opening, Or Closing Of A Door is called “Picture Window.” It comes with a video directed by Leschper. Here’s what she had to say about it:

I was thinking about how effortless it felt to commune with the mysterious as a child, especially in the “natural world” as we call it, as if it is something alien to us. I was thinking about my sister, our shared experiences of childhood, and I wanted to create a sonic environment that felt like that. It was obvious to me that the video should embody the same character of discovery, that it should slow me down, get me out into the world to look for something unfolding, and I settled in on the quiet drama of a stream. I shot time lapse photographs and compiled them into video sequences, a meditation on time or timelessness. The resulting video is uncomplicated, things are constantly changing and yet nothing happens; I spin indefinitely in a circle, a stream bubbles on into eternity.

Check it out below.

The Opening, Or Closing Of A Door is out 3/4 via ANTI- Records. Pre-order it here.

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