Ibibio Sound Machine – “Protection From Evil”

Tiago Di Mauro

Ibibio Sound Machine – “Protection From Evil”

Tiago Di Mauro

Over the last few months, Ibibio Sound Machine have been rolling out their new album Electricity. Back in October, they shared its title track, and last month they returned with official news of the album and another single called “All That You Want.” Today, they’re back with another one.

Ibibio’s latest is called “Protection From Evil.” Once more, the combination of Ibibio’s genre blend and Hot Chip’s production results in a pretty ferocious, infectious groove. It also comes with a video directed by Tiago Di Mauro, who shared some thoughts in a statement:

I’ve long been a huge fan of Ibibio Sound Machine, and their Afrofuturistic techno sound has resonated deeply in my native Brazil. When Max Grunhard from the band sent me the track and explained its commentary on the duality of conflict and discourse, it was important for me to communicate this within the video, especially considering the abstract lyrics. The look was inspired by Carmen Miranda’s “The Lady In The Tutti-Frutti Hat,” but we wanted to put a contemporary spin on these mid–20th century soundstage performances and create an experience that conveys a similar sense of awe and scale but was as methodically chaotic as the track.

Check it out below.

Electricity is out 3/25 via Merge. Pre-order it here.

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