Sadly Pam & Tommy‘s Third Eye Blind x Mötley Crüe Faceoff Is Fictional, Says Stephan Jenkins

Sadly Pam & Tommy‘s Third Eye Blind x Mötley Crüe Faceoff Is Fictional, Says Stephan Jenkins

In the newest episode of Hulu’s Pam & Tommy, Mötley Crüe show up at the studio only to find that the label has given the bigger recording space to some new band called Third Eye Blind. “I felt like that was the perfect band,” the show’s executive producer Rob Siegel tells Variety. “I did a little quick Google search, what label was Mötley Crüe on? Elektra. Who else was on Elektra? Third Eye Blind. The timing was perfect. In 1996 they’re working on their debut album. So the scene is fictional, but I like to think it absolutely could have happened!”

Third Eye Blind’s Stephan Jenkins, however, would like you to know that it definitely did not happen. “Mötley Crüe and I’ve never been in the same studio. I recorded my whole first album in Northern California. So we were across the state from each other at the very least,” he says. “I had never, in fact, listened to Mötley Crüe. I never even heard them. I actually saw Tommy Lee’s penis before I ever heard their band. I was like, ‘Well, good on ya, Tommy. Well done, lad.’ I literally had never heard them. But I somehow saw the sex tape. I’d also never seen Baywatch. So I had never seen Pam or Tommy. That was my first introduction to them.”

“Years later I heard this song, maybe when somebody put it on the jukebox or something,” Jenkins adds. “But I’m like, oh my god, what is that groove? It’s so nasty like aggressive and heavy. And it was ‘Shout At The Devil.’ And so I got this blind introduction to Mötley Crüe and I was like, this shit is great. And so we never kicked them out of the studio, but my drummer Brad said that what inspired him to play drums when he was a little kid was Mötley Crüe. He loved that metal shit. So there is a part of Third Eye Blind taking some kind of inspiration from Tommy Lee’s drumming.”

Mostly, Jenkins seems more concerned with who played him on the show. “Was it Tom Hardy?” he asks. (No, it was this guy.) “I feel strange watching myself being portrayed. Just the idea is making me kind of smile … I hope whoever played me on TV was pretty.” You can watch the scene in question and decide for yourself below.

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