Watch Jack White Talk About Getting Married Onstage & Bash Out “What’s The Trick?” On Colbert

Jack White has been busy lately. A couple of weeks ago, White released Fear Of The Dawn, the first of the two albums he’s got planned for the year. On the day that the LP came out, White played a slide-guitar National Anthem at the Detroit Tigers’ opening day. Later that night, at his own tour opener in Detroit, White proposed to his girlfriend, former Black Veil Brides leader Olivia Jean, and they got married onstage. Big night! Last night, White, a veteran late-night talk-show ringer, appeared on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show, and he had a lot to talk about.
During an interview with Colbert, White said a little bit about the whole onstage-marriage thing. White said that it wasn’t fully a spur-of-the-moment decision: “I thought, as the day was going on, if a day had some left turns, maybe it wasn’t the right day. But they day kept going so well! I figured it was a good time.” He also said that it was her decision to do the wedding right there and then: “I asked her, ‘Do you get married now, or do you wanna wait?’ And she’s like, ‘No! Right now! This is a great day!'”
In his interview with Colbert, White also showed some pictures of his reupholstered furniture, and he talked about plans to release the shelved Prince album Camille on his Third Man label. White also mentioned that Prince once gave him some advice: “Don’t let anyone tell you how to play your guitar.” Later in the show, White played his guitar. He and his band banged out “What’s The Trick?,” one of the unhinged rockers from Fear Of The Dawn. It’s worth watching just to see Daru Jones, White’s absolute monster of a drummer, go off. Below, check out the performance and the interview.
Fear Of The Dawn is out now on Third Man Records.