Really From Announce Indefinite Hiatus, Farewell Shows

Portraits by Nick Surette & Elle DioGuardi, art by Madison Arrichiello

Really From Announce Indefinite Hiatus, Farewell Shows

Portraits by Nick Surette & Elle DioGuardi, art by Madison Arrichiello

The Boston band Really From have announced that they are going on an indefinite hiatus and playing a pair of farewell shows this fall. “For the past eight years, this band has been the center of our creative pursuits and endeavors,” the group wrote in a statement. “As five friends who have managed to craft a sound that is an honest and authentic representation of who we are as musicians and artists, we feel immense joy and gratitude, not only for the opportunity and space to make music, but also for the love and support that our music has received.”

Really From got started in 2014 and for much of their existence they were known as People Like You. Under that name, they released two albums, 2014’s “This Is What You Learned” and 2017’s Verse. Not long after their sophomore album, they changed their name to Really From and last year they released an eponymous album, which is right around the time we named them a Band To Watch.

Here’s their full statement.

For the past eight years, this band has been the center of our creative pursuits and endeavors. As five friends who have managed to craft a sound that is an honest and authentic representation of who we are as musicians and artists, we feel immense joy and gratitude, not only for the opportunity and space to make music, but also for the love and support that our music has received.

With that said, it is with a heavy heart that we are announcing that we have decided to go on an indefinite hiatus. This decision was difficult for us to make, and one that we have been discussing and deliberating on for quite some time. We are at a point in our lives where we want different things for ourselves, and we feel that taking a break at this time will maintain the integrity of what this project has become, at a time and place where we are all comfortable with this decision.

Thank you to everyone who has listened to our music, connected with our records, booked us on amazing shows, given us a chance, and came out to see us perform live. I’m really sorry we never got to tour on this new album or came out to your neighborhood. The fact that people all over the country and even the world have listened to our music, let alone enjoyed and connected with it, will forever be surreal. Our gratitude for y’all is endless and will always be. We love you.

We are planning on playing two farewell (for now) shows this Fall, which we will be announcing the details of soon. In the meantime, each of us have solo projects and other musical endeavors that we are continuing to pursue, so please keep in touch with us through our art:

Sander – H A U N T E R
Michi – Nature Shots
Chris – solo project
Matt – Matt Hull
Sai – Mercet (tag)

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