Watch The First Trailer For The Elephant 6 Documentary

Amy Hairston

Watch The First Trailer For The Elephant 6 Documentary

Amy Hairston

In 2019, a documentary about the Elephant 6 Recording Co. was distributed in the most Elephant 6 way possible. Director C.B. Stockfleth’s film was available only on VHS tapes you could rent for free by calling a phone number listed on fliers posted in various cities. Three years later, the movie — which chronicles the tight-knit but loosely sprawling collective of bands best known for spawning Neutral Milk Hotel, Apples In Stereo, and the Olivia Tremor Control — is finally coming out through more conventional, albeit still limited, fashion.

A significantly updated version of The Elephant 6 Recording Co. will make its world premiere Nov. 10 at the DOC NYC film festival, followed by a Q&A with Stockfleth, producers Greg King and Lance Bangs, executive producer Rob Hatch-Miller, and Apples mastermind/E6 producer extraordinaire Robert Schneider. The fest will host a follow-up screening Nov. 15, with additional screenings at fests in Denver and Minneapolis this fall. Between Nov. 11-27, the movie will be available to stream at home in US territories for those who purchase a virtual screening ticket through DOC NYC. The team behind the film plans to release it more widely in the future, hopefully in 2023.

Check out the list of screenings here, and watch a new trailer for the movie below.

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