Slaves Change Their Name To Soft Play, Apologize To Anyone They Offended

Slaves Change Their Name To Soft Play, Apologize To Anyone They Offended

Way back in 2020, the California post-hardcore band Slaves announced they were changing their name. They eventually rebranded as Rain City Drive. Beyond distancing themselves from the problematic connotations associated with the name Slaves, it also allowed the band to clear up confusion between themselves and the UK punk duo Slaves, who continued to use the name — until now.

As of today, the British version of Slaves are also changing their name. “When we called our band Slaves, it was intended solely as a reference to the grind of day to day life,” they write in a Notes app message posted to their social accounts. Later in the message, they write, “We want to sincerely apologise to anyone we’ve offended,” and they announce that their new band name is Soft Play.

Here’s the full message:

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