Vamachara – “From Miles Away”

Vamachara – “From Miles Away”

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Vamachara, the stupendously heavy Southern California hardcore skull-crushers whose members also play in bands like Constrict and Momentum. Vamachara’s last proper record was the Hereafter EP, which came out in the long-ago pre-pandemic days of 2019. But Vamachara have recently been playing shows again; they’ll be at the massive For The Children toy drive in LA this weekend. And now they’ve got a monster of a new song, too.

Vamachara’s latest is called “From Miles Away,” and it’s fast and hard and metallic and ugly. It sounds like a souped-up tank crashing through your house and reducing all of your possessions to rubble. You’re free now! Go live a simpler life! Right now, “From Miles Away” is a standalone single, but hopefully it means we’ll get more of these brutalist stompers soon. Listen below.

“From Miles Away” is out now on Closed Casket Activities.

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