Chromeo – “Words With You”

Chromeo – “Words With You”

Chromeo teamed up with Ric Wilson and Dave 1’s brother A-Trak on a song called “Pay It No Mind” last month. Today the funk duo has another new track, which they’re billing as their first official single since 2018’s Head Over Heels. (They did release a COVID-themed EP in the interim.)

Regarding today’s smooth and synthy “Words With You,” the band writes:

This is the first official single since our last studio album. It’s a statement: a mix of new and familiar. The new: the horn section and live instruments, played throughout, from the drums to the bass to our array of synths. The familiar: the groove and the tone, two signature things that we’ve been honing for almost 20 years now. The idea was to come out with something that felt sophisticated and slick, with just enough swagger and wit to make you smile. So come over and lend an ear…we’d like to have a word with you.

The new song is contagiously funky and could easily be mistaken for a sequel to “Get Lucky,” so spin it below and dance your Friday away.

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