Indigo De Souza – “You Can Be Mean”

Charlie Boss

Indigo De Souza – “You Can Be Mean”

Charlie Boss

At the end of the month, Indigo de Souza is releasing her new album All Of This Will End. We’ve heard “Younger & Dumber” and “Smog” from it already, and today she’s back with the new single, “You Can Be Mean,” a snarling, spunky one about expecting the worst: “You can be mean to me/ I’m not gonna stop you/ You can be a dick to me/ It’s what I’m used to.”

“I wrote ‘You Can Be Mean’ about a brief toxic experience I had with a manipulative and abusive LA model fuckboy,” de Souza said in a statement. “However brief, it had a life-long impact on my understanding of self.” She continued:

Leading up to that experience, I had a history of putting myself in toxic situations and pining for validation from people who treated me poorly. I was stuck in some delusion that I could help abusive people through their trauma and teach them to love me in the way I deserved. I wrote this song when I finally realized that I could choose not to allow harmful behavior into my life, and that there is a deep, deep importance in protecting the body and spirit. I stopped caring about validation from assholes, stopped thinking it was my responsibility to help them, and started caring for myself in a real way. Once I made that switch in my psyche, I began to manifest truly loving, safe, kind, and communicative people into my life. Being loved in the way I deserve begins with loving myself in the way I deserve. Boundaries are so important. The body is a sacred and fragile thing and it deserves every ounce of care.

Listen below.

All Of This Will End is out 4/28 via Saddle Creek.

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