The Weeknd Addresses The Ridiculous Viral Sex Scene From The Idol Episode 2

The Weeknd Addresses The Ridiculous Viral Sex Scene From The Idol Episode 2

We’re now two weeks into The Idol, the new HBO show from the Weeknd and Sam Levinson. In its rollout, the show seemed to be overtly courting controversy. Thus far, though, it’s mostly been extremely silly, and not just because all the characters are making music that sounds like the Weeknd. The show’s over-the-top sex scenes have been getting lots of attention online, especially the one from the end of the second episode. It’s not a sex scene, per se. It’s more the Weeknd’s Tedros Tedros character whispering instructions to Lily Rose-Depp’s Jocelyn. If you’ve ever wanted to hear the Weeknd whispering about “I wanna grab you by the ass while I suffocate you with my cock,” then this show is for you.

In the wake of that sex scene’s viral moment, the Weeknd called GQ for a quick interview while he was on tour in Copenhagen. The Weeknd’s acting isn’t what you could call good, and one of the big issues with the show is the idea that this huge pop star would be attracted to this weirdo in the first place. Talking to GQ, the Weeknd says that’s intentional. He says that Tedros is “despicable, a psychopath,” that he’s “a douchebag,” that he’s “pathetic”:

Even the sex, it’s so gluttonous [laughs]. Especially in episode 2. “Gluttony” is the only word I can think of [to describe it]. He can’t believe he’s there. He comes off like such a loser. Those moments are the humanity that you find in a psychopath, the chink in his armor.

The Weeknd also clarifies that the scene isn’t supposed to be sexy:

There’s nothing sexy about it. When we use Basic Instinct as a reference, we’re using Verhoeven. Verhoeven is the king of ‘90s satire thriller — yes, there’s moments of “sexy” in his films, but there are other moments that are very cheesy and hilarious. How ever you’re feeling watching that scene, whether it’s discomfort, or you feel gross, or you feel embarrassed for the characters. It’s all those emotions adding up to: This guy is in way over his head, this situation is one where he is not supposed to be here.

The Weeknd would also like to make it clear that he’s nothing like the Tedros character: “I wanted to make sure he looked nothing like me, acted nothing like me, just a totally different person.” On the subject of Tedros being shot as if he’s a vampire, the Weeknd says, “That’s all intentional, to heighten the camp of it all.” He also says that the show has “definitely shaken up the culture for sure” and that he’s “just happy that there’s conversation” — the things that people always say when things are going great. Read the full interview here.

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