Monica Goes On CNN To Discuss Stopping An Assault In The Audience At Her Show

Monica Goes On CNN To Discuss Stopping An Assault In The Audience At Her Show

While performing Saturday in Detroit, Monica left the stage to intervene in an altercation between two people in the crowd, going viral in the process. Last night she appeared on CNN to discuss the incident.

While headlining the Riverfront Music Festival at Hart Plaza, Monica noticed a man allegedly hitting a woman in the audience. She called him out on the microphone, asked to have him removed, and eventually climbed down to handle the situation herself. Footage of the incident began to circulate online Sunday:

Last night, Monica joined Abby Phillip on CNN to discuss what went down. “Honestly, that was just instincts,” she said. “Simply put, I didn’t want to see her hurt or harmed and her not make it back home after coming just to be a concertgoer for myself and Ashanti who was also on the show. You know, these concerts have become what almost feels like a dangerous space and place, and I just really want that to change.” Watch the full segment below.

Women in distress, Monica will cross an ocean (of people) for you.

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