Watch Lifeguard Cover The Jam’s “In The City” At Electrical Audio

Mariana Belaval

Watch Lifeguard Cover The Jam’s “In The City” At Electrical Audio

Mariana Belaval

Lifeguard, the Chicago teenagers who are signed to Matador and have familial ties to Windy City greats like Horsegirl and FACS, put on an impressive show at SXSW, and their recent doubleEP is worth a listen. Today they’ve shared a cover of the Jams’s fast and melodious “In The City” recorded live at Steve Albini’s recording studio Electrical Audio. I don’t know whether Albini himself engineered this recording, but in keeping with his sonic signature, the drums really boom. Watch the cover below, along with previously released footage of Lifeguard originals from this same session.

If you haven’t read Jeremy Gordon’s great Steve Albini profile in The Guardian from last week, you should.

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