Bedlocked – “All Over Again”

Bedlocked – “All Over Again”

Texas shoegazers Bedlocked made it into our roundup of the New Wave Of American Shoegaze last winter. Today they’ve released a tremendous new song as part of Saddle Creek’s Document singles series. “All Over Again” plods along majestically at the intersection of shoegaze and slowcore, guitars and vocals droning together against the thunderous drumbeat. It’s the Bedlocked side of a split 7″ with fellow Texan slowcore band Teethe, whose song “Moon” has not yet been released. “I was right around the corner, “J. Zach Gomez sings. “I was running from the noises/ I don’t wanna hear them/ I wanna go.” Listen below.

The Bedlocked/Teethe split 7″ is out 10/20 on Saddle Creek.

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