Cardi B Gets Emotional Discussing FDR On Hot Ones

Cardi B Gets Emotional Discussing FDR On Hot Ones

Cardi B loves Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States. She always has. Cardi loves history in general, but she has a special fondness for FDR. In a 2018 GQ feature, Cardi got into the subject: “He helped us get over the Depression, all while he was in a wheelchair. Like, this man was suffering from polio at the time of his presidency, and yet all he was worried about was trying to make America great — make America great again for real. He’s the real ‘Make America Great Again,’ because if it wasn’t for him, old people wouldn’t even get Social Security.”

Cardi’s love of New Deal social-safety-net policy isn’t just a historical matter. In 2020, Cardi made a campaign video with Bernie Sanders. Now, on the latest episode of the internet staple Hot Ones, Cardi became visibly emotional and excited with discussing FDR.

Cardi, always a human quote machine, opens the episode by saying that her fans have wanted her to go on the show for a long time: “I’m nervous because I’m setting myself up for diarrhea.” During her episode, in between difficult bites of spicy chicken wings, Cardi talks about the annoying process of recording the clean version of her new single “Bongos,” whether aliens are real, and her admiration of the way WWE manager Melina used to do the splits while getting into the ring. But the real highlight is the FDR moment.

Last year, Cardi appeared on David Letterman’s Netflix show, and Hot Ones host Sean Evans asks her about that. Cardi says that the most exciting part of that taping was getting to see FDR’s house. When she’s talking about that moment, you can see her go through different emotional states, first getting choked up and then practically exploding with joy. Here’s what she says about it:

What stays in my mind for a long time is that I went to FDR’s house. Anybody loves me, knows me, I love FDR, and I love Eleanor Roosevelt. You know, how he got us through the Great Depression, won a war, only president that got elected four times, while he’s in a wheelchair. As I grew up reading about Eleanor Roosevelt, she had a very sad life. When I went to her house, she had a different house from her husband. FDR’s mama, she was always around, and she didn’t really like that. Eleanor wanted to have space, just like me; I want my own space all the time.

I saw the room where Churchill and FDR was talking about the nuke. That is crazy to me! Like, I’m really here! I don’t know why; I’m obsessed with war. I’m obsessed with World War II. Like, I love World War I. But World War II, I’m obsessed with just learning everything about it. So for me to be in the same room that Churchill and FDR was discussing the nuke, it was just such a moment for me. Y’all probably think I’m crazy, but it was just like [awed whispering] “I love this.”

The transcription doesn’t really do that moment justice. You can watch Cardi’s Hot Ones episode below; the FDR stuff starts around the 16-minute mark.

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