Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist’s VOIR DIRE Is Now On Non-NFT Streaming Platforms Too

Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist’s VOIR DIRE Is Now On Non-NFT Streaming Platforms Too

In August, young rap god Earl Sweatshirt and veteran-master producer the Alchemist — two artists worshipped by much of the hyper-online hip-hop community — released a joint album called VOIR DIRE. It wasn’t locked behind a paywall, but the album was only available to stream on the NFT-backed streaming platform Gala Music — always a weird look! As of today VOIR DIRE is out there in all the usual places too, so if the NFT thing was keeping you from listening, have at it.

VOIR DIRE is out now on Tan Cressida/ALC/Warner.

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