Post-Hardcore Band Carrion Spring’s Great New How It All Falls Away Petal By Petal EP Ends With A Death Cab For Cutie Cover

Post-Hardcore Band Carrion Spring’s Great New How It All Falls Away Petal By Petal EP Ends With A Death Cab For Cutie Cover

Portland veterans Carrion Spring play a version of emotive post-hardcore that skirts up against screamo without fully crossing over into an all-out blitzkrieg. Today they released an enjoyable new EP called How It All Falls Away Petal By Petal through the great screamo-focused label Tomb Tree Tapes. Amidst the scraping/spiraling guitars, hard-throttling rhythm section, and throat-shredded vocals, there’s one song called “The World Is No Longer A Beautiful Place And I’m Afraid To Die,” and the tracklist ends with a cover of “We Laugh Indoors,” one of the best songs on Death Cab For Cutie’s perennially underrated (including by Death Cab) The Photo Album. Hear the full EP below.

How It All Falls Away Petal By Petal is out now on Tomb Tree Tapes.

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