Mister Goblin – “Goodnight Sun”

Mister Goblin – “Goodnight Sun”

Mister Goblin, the always-reliable project of former Two Inch Astronaut leader Sam, put out a new one-off single last year, “Kentucky Kingdom,” and today he’s back with news of an album called Frog Poems. His follow-up to 2022’s Bunny will be released in April. He’s sharing “Goodnight Sun” from it to kick things off, a twilit rocker with downtrodded lyrics like: “Goodnight to the salad bar/ At Applebees or Olive Garden/ When we get stoned and eat until/ We puke it all away.”

“This was the first song I wrote for the record and the one that came together the quickest,” he shared in a statement. “It’s, maybe obviously, a reimagining of the children’s book Goodnight Moon if it took place in a declining world. Once, I played it at a house show and a kid came up to me afterward and said he had to leave halfway through and go call his girlfriend to get back together with her (or ‘get it back in the bag’ as he put it) because he found it moving. I hope they’re happy but I have my doubts.”

Listen below.

01 “Goodnight Sun”
02 “Grown Man”
03 “The Notary”
04 “Mike Shinoda”
05 “Run, Hide, Fight”
06 “Lost Data”
07 “Saw V”
08 “Fit To Be Tied”
09 “Open Up This Pit”
10 “Frog Poems”

Sam Goblin is also involved a new-ish band called Deady, who released a rip-roaring single “R.I.P” a couple years ago. Here’s that:

Frog Poems is out 4/26 via Spartan Records.

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