Armand Hammer – “Doves” (Feat. Benjamin Booker)

Ryosuke Tanzawa

Armand Hammer – “Doves” (Feat. Benjamin Booker)

Ryosuke Tanzawa

Last year, the New York rap expressionists Armand Hammer released We Buy Diabetic Test Strips, the latest powerful album in a long string of them. Since the LP’s release, billy woods and Elucid have remained very active. Just last week, they appeared on Preservation’s stunning remix of Japanese vocal artist Hatis Noit’s track “Jomon.” Now, Armand Hammer have released a new song, an epic nine-minute collaboration with New Orleans soul-rocker Benjamin Booker.

“Doves,” the new Armand Hammer track, has already been added to We Buy Diabetic Test Strips on streaming services, and it’ll be on future physical editions, as well. I haven’t listened to the new version of the album yet, but I can only imagine that “Doves” will sound like a long exhalation ofter all the hectic, half-industrial tracks of the original LP. It’s different, but it fits into the tapestry.

Benjamin Booker co-produced “Doves” with regular Armand Hammer collaborator Kenny Segal. There are no drums on the track, and there’s not as much rapping as you might expect. Instead, it’s a downbeat dirge with glitchy drone effects that rise throughout the track. It’s mournful, desolate, and powerful. The Japanese director Ryosuke Tanzawa has made a short film for the track, and it’s heavy on wintry still images. Here’s what he says in a press release:

Sage Elsseser, also known as Navy Blue, connected me with woods last year, and I was very much looking forward to doing a video for Armand Hammer (“Tabula Rasa” & “Stone Fruit” are important tracks me), but I never expected something nine minutes long, with basically everything… It’s quiet and loud, intimate and vast, beautiful and ugly — all of those things in one. I was a bit intimidated by the scale of the track at first and asked woods to give me some time to think about whether I would be the right director for the project. When I went through my archive of black and white photos and started testing them out, laying them over the singing parts of the track, I felt like OK — this is going to work. So I called woods and told him I wanted to do it. It turns out we had more or less the same idea of where and how to film him and Elucid. In the end, me and my producer Sean, with an arsenal of cameras from super 8 to iphone, shot it over the course of 3 days on a snowy January week.”

Watch the “Doves” clip below.

UPDATE: As horserenoir points out in our Discord, Junglepussy’s verses on We Buy Diabetic Test Strips have been removed, and Tuesday she tweeted, “I REMOVE MYSELF FROM SITUATIONS WHERE IM BEING TREATED POORLY NO MATTER WHAT I DONT STICK AROUND TO SAVE FACE FOR NOBODY.”

We Buy Diabetic Test Strips is out now on Fat Possum.

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