Good Morning – “Excalibur” & “Toy”

Good Morning – “Excalibur” & “Toy”

In a few weeks, the Australian duo Good Morning are releasing a new full-length album, a double LP called Good Morning Seven. They’ve shared a bunch of singles from it so far, mostly in pairs, the most recent being “Just In Time” and “Ahhhh (This Isn’t Ideal).” Today, they’re putting out two more, “Excalibur” and “Toy,” two dreamy, laidback cuts.

“It was one of those weird times where I had all the words in my head ready to go without ever explicitly thinking about them,” Liam Parsons shared of “Excalibur,” named after the hotel and casino. “Las Vegas is a strange and messed up place at the best of times, but when you feel like the world is gonna end it becomes even weirder. I remember walking around in the morning and the streets were pretty quiet and it was the day that the Killers put out that song ‘Caution’ (Las Vegas banger). I listened to that on a loop and was looking at all these mock versions of world landmarks and just quietly freaking out about my future.”

The group’s other half Stefan Blair said that “Toy” was inspired by Chet Baker’s cover of “You Better Go Now.” “I paused it immediately because I could hear what became ‘Toy’ in my head,” he said. “I hurried home and demoed the song pretty quickly, nervous that I would forget what I had imagined in the park. Don’t think something like that has ever happened to me before, but it’s cool it can.”

Listen to both below.

Good Morning Seven is out 3/22 via Polyvinyl.

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